1. This guy right here:

2. Bridger's sweet--and INCREDIBLE--costume (including the mask that he kept on for ALL the pictures!) And I know, I know. Steve and I were super lame and didn't dress up as the rest of the Incredibles cast, to match B. But, ummmm, we didn't want to take the focus away from Bridger. Ya. That's what we'll go with. Sounds good.
Ok. I didn't even believe that as I typed it! Truth is, I just wasn't motivated and too cheap to come up with costumes for Steve and me. We'll redeem ourselves next year.

3. Trick-or-Treating! Even though we only went to a few houses, it was still so fun! I loved walking around our neighborhood, seeing all the kids' costumes, and enjoying the evening.

5. Watching Bridger dump out all his candy from his bucket, and find every last sucker to devour. This went on for about a week after Halloween. A few times, I even caught him tearing into the Smarties! Sneaky guy...
I'm sure our list will grow as time goes on, but we sure are happy to have a little buddy to celebrate these fun holidays with. Can't wait for next year...and hopefully we'll collect a little more candy then.
Uhh...I mean Bridger. Hopefully Bridger will collect a little more candy then.
Bridger was the cutest little Incredible ever! I love that he would wear his mask! So dang cute. And I agree, Halloween (and every holiday for that matter) is much more fun with kiddos. And I'm sure as they get bigger it will just be more and more fun. Keep up the updates so I can stay in touch via blogworld.