Crazy Dinner
We made the trek out to Utah in October to go to the Annual Crazy Dinner at Mamma Donna's house. It was, of course, a blast, and was so great to be with all our crazy Utah family members that we miss so much. Steve has been super busy with work, so he wasn't able to come with us, but something tells me he didn't mind having the nice, quiet house all to himself that weekend. Hmmm. Maybe work wasn't that busy after all...kidding.

The trip was super quick. We left on Thursday afternoon, after McKae was done with school, and then came back on Sunday morning. We spent Friday and Saturday hanging out with family, going to all the fun stores in the area, shopping Halloween sales, playing games, and holding babies! Erin and Jordyn were both in town that weekend, so we got to see their cute new babies. Oh geez. Talk about making me baby hungry! ...not...I can wait. But it really was so fun to get to snuggle a baby that couldn't wiggle away. Bridger looked so old next to Charly and Sawyer. I couldn't believe it. Such a difference a few months make!
I was also able to sneak away on Saturday to go see my friends and have breakfast at Kneaders. It was so much fun to see Chelsea, Jamie (who was visiting from St. George), and Jessie. I missed Heidi and Marianne, though! Next time, hopefully all the girls can make it. I love Colorado, and love living close to all my family out here, but I do really miss my friends. These girls are my very best friends, and I love them. They are the type of girls I will be friends with my whole life. How lucky am I?? I am convinced we were even friends up in heaven. We had to have been. That's all there is to it. I am lucky to have found them back when I was a sophomore in college and am grateful that even though I am a state away, we still find time for each other and value each other's friendship.
Oh, and while we were in Utah, I picked up my Christmas present. About 2 months ago, I decided, after much debate, that I was going to buy a Christmas tree. But not just any Christmas tree. A beautiful Christmas tree. One that I have been wanting for about three years. One that is nine feet tall (which now puts another requirement on the house that we buy--hah!), long needled, FLOCKED, sparkly, and be.aut.i.ful. My mom has this tree. She got hers two years ago, and I have coveted it ever since. Well, Steve gave me the go-ahead. I still was reluctant, because it was going to be a pretty little chunk of change, but then my friend that works at Tai Pan called, and told me I could use a 25% off coupon. Suddenly I felt better, and I bought that beautiful tree! And one for Brookie, too, because she was feeling the same as me. This tree was a "must have" for us. Aaaand, when I've looked through other Christmas catalogs that have been coming in the mail, I realized I got this tree for a STEAL. Seriously. I love a good buy. And this tree will pay for itself in just a few years. Ahhh...feeling good. Anyway, here is the tree. MY TREE!
....that I won't get to put up until next year.
We had a great trip. Short, but sweet. Next time, hopefully we will get to stay longer, and I won't have to haul a couple Christmas trees home after it's all said and done. And, next time, Steve will be coming, too :)
I love the fall. Lots and lots of family time. It's the best!
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