Bridger, you are getting sooo big!
At 5 months, our boy:
Can sit up all by himself!
Sleeps about 10-11 hours at night.
Coos and hums when he's tired.
Loves rice cereal (and watermelon)
...and popcicles...shhh!
Can roll over from back to tummy all by himself.
(Still working on tummy to back though)
Takes great naps during the day.
Is starting to get more hair...finally!
Loves his little teething rings, and drools ALL OVER them!
Uses the pacifier as a chew toy now.
Is a great traveler. He loves car rides and still falls asleep instantly.
Is sleeping in his crib now.
Loves the bumbo.
Loves the bath and the pool.
Does NOT like being held like a baby (cradling him) unless you have a bottle ready to feed him.
Laughs and smiles A LOT.
Is ticklish on his shoulders, under his chin, and under his arms.
Loves to be outside. He stops crying almost instantly when we step outside.
Has the cutest, chunkiest little rolls all over his little body!
Is a little dream baby!
We are so in love with this little one, and are grateful, every day, that he is a part of our family.
Oh wow, he already looks bigger from the last time I saw him! And congrats on Colorado! You are going to have so much fun!