Monday, January 14, 2013


our boy is one. ONE.
one year old.
I can hardly believe we are already here. One year later, and we have a boy that is completely different than the tiny little nugget I remember delivering one year ago today.
We have had an eventful (in some ways) weekend. My dad flew to Vietnam on Saturday morning, so we decided to have a party a couple days early for the little fella so that the Big Fella could be there, too. All the family came to help celebrate, and we had a blast! We had cafe rio and chocolate/peanut butter cupcakes for dessert. Bridger, of course, had his own little cake that was probably 30% cake and 70% frosting. Surprisingly, he didn't dig into it as much as I thought he would. He smeared it around on the tray, dug his hands into it a few times, and took a few little licks, but that was about it. I was looking forward to stripping the boy down and hosing off the blue frosting in the sink, but that just wasn't the case for this little party animal. He was content just poking around at it for a few minutes, and then he wanted to get down and play with the kids. Of course. He LOVES kids.
Maybe if each of the kids had their own blue birthday cake, Bridger would have been more into it. He's kinda a copycat like that.
He got spoiled rotten with gifts. He got a cool pirate ship that he loves to dance to, LOTS of fun bath toys, a bag of 100 balls, legos (which may or may not have been our gift to him from Christmas, that we decided to re-wrap because the kid got OVERLOADED with presents on Christmas), a ring stacker thingy, lots of books, clothes, new jammies, a new swim suit, and a little rocking/rolling puppy. Whew! I am going to have to seriously start rotating toys. It's a mad house with legos, balls, pirates, and books EVERYWHERE. Not to mention the tupperware that Bridger still pulls out all over the kitchen, because he's what, bored by all his new toys? I don't get it. Oh well. I kinda love that he is into everything. He's so inquisitve and curious, and I think it's pretty adorable.
But, who knows, maybe I will re-re-wrap those Legos for another day...just to keep the chaos a little under control.
At ONE YEAR OLD, Bridger:
-TAKES STEPS! He started just a few days before his birthday. It's adorable. He's taken about 4 or 5 at the most, but he's totally doing it!
-says "dadda" and "mama" 
-carries all kinds of things around in his mouth, like a puppy
-eats cat food for fun (Believe me, I try and stop him, but everytime I look the other way, he ends up booking it down the hall to the cat food. It's disgusting, I know. I'm praying it's a phase.)
-gets into everything
-has become a much better eater! He likes just about everything, especially greek yogurt, grapes, spaghetti squash, crackers, cereal with milk, craisins, and chocolate milk.
-still takes 2 naps a day
-still can't totally figure out how to go down the stairs, but going up, he's a champ
-dances everytime music comes on. It doesn't matter what kind of music--if it has any kind of beat, this boy dances. Waves his hands in the air, bounces up and down, sways back and forth, and even sometimes tries to sing along to the music. It's so great.
-likes to chase the cat
-gets so excited when he sees me or Steve (which of course, I love)
-talks all.the.time
-has 4 teeth and one poking through!
Bridger is the happiest boy, and has an infectious personality. We love him! He has made our life so much fun. We are grateful to have this little muchkin part of our family.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Bridger boy! I remember meeting him in the hospital when he was just born. Can't believe its been a year either.
