Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ok, ok time just needs to slow down.
Or better yet...

He really is just the cutest and sweetest baby ever.
How did we get lucky enough to be his mom and dad?

It's true.
Our little Bridger isn't so little anymore!
I mean seriously, LOOK at those rolls!
Don't you just want to give them a good little squeeze?
If his swimming suit wasn't so cute on him, I would have made his 4 month picture strictly of his chunky thighs.

At 4 months, Bridger:
-Is 14 lb 9 oz, 24 inches
-Laughs and talks a lot these days!
-Rolls from side to side, but hasn't made it all the way over yet
-Likes the swimming pool
-Sleeps pretty good still, about 8 hours on average
-Loves his little play mat, reaches for, and pulls on the hanging toys
-Grabs his feet when he is on his back
-Sucks on EVERYTHING! (Blankets, fists, toys, clothes, you name it)
-Likes playing superman with Mom
-Loves his little rattle ball toy
-Still loves the bath, even moreso now!
-Gets the biggest smile when he gets naked! Hah!

This baby is so fun!

So the other day, I was in the bathroom getting ready, and Steve had Bridger in the family room with him. I don't think I had been paying attention for a little while, but I finally noticed that there were little kid sounds coming from the other room. I went to go check on Steve and B, and what did I find?
They were both intently watching Dinosaur Train on PBS Kids.
I'm sure Bridger was loving all the bright colors and movement on the screen, but I'm not so sure what Steve was completely mesmerized by. I was like, "Uh, aren't we starting this a little young?" and Steve said, "What? He likes it!"
Ya, sure. He likes it.
It was actually pretty cute, and I wish I had gotten a picture of that little father/son moment.
Looks like Bridger found his Saturday morning cartoon watching buddy!
(Or maybe Steve found his!)


  1. So sweet! I do love that swimsuit too!

  2. hahahaha That is cute!!! PS I didn't know you were updating this blog!! Looks like I have some catching up to do!!!

    About movies/shows it is good for them to watch it stimulates their brains. You should get into Baby Einsteins they are sooooooooooooooo wonderfully educational! The have all different ages and stages I highly recommend them. Dinosaur Train is so funny!! Ekemona likes it for a little bit but his personal favorites are Super Why and Sesame Street. PBS is my favorite station because it is the most educational plus its all on grants so they have to follow a very strict code/rude to meet the learning and educational standards. So you have nothing to worry about. If you are worried the rule of thumb is to watch less then 2 hours of TV a day. Can you tell I've done my research?

    Anyways he is sooooooo cute! I love his trunks and he is getting so chunky and I LOVE IT!!! I'm sad him and Eke won't be able to be BFF's ;(
