Monday, April 15, 2013

15 months

This little nugget is looking a little too toddler-ish in this picture, if you ask me. I don't like it one little bit. He's sporting some of his new summer clothes, and new shoes. The shoes--he LOVES them. They are still a little big, but I put them on him anyway, because they looked so cute. He was struggling a little as he was running through the grass, tripping and stumbling a little bit. I took the shoes off, and you would have thought the sky was falling. He whined and cried as he ran right over to the shoes, sat down, and tried putting them on himself (something he has never done with any of his other shoes to date). Needless to say, the shoes were quickly put back on, and our happy, laughing boy was on his way, romping around in the grass and loving his new kicks.

At 15 months, Bridger:
-loves to be outside, no matter how freezing cold it is (Story to come in later post!)
-loves eating apples whole: he'll go to the fridge, and grab and apple and just chomp down on it
-has a fake laugh routine that is pretty hilarious. I really don't know where he got it from either!
-still takes 2 naps during the day
-sleeps from about 8 or 8:30 until about 7:30
-loves eating cereal from a bowl for breakfast
-loves his stuffed kitty (I am ordering 2 more exactly like it because if we lose this one, we are in major trouble)
-knows how to use 4 different sign language signs: please, more, thank you, and all done. 
-hates getting his diaper changes
-loves to read books, and knows the names of a few of them. We'll say, "Go get Brown Bear, Brown Bear!" and he'll go to his toy cabinet, and get that exact book. Smartie Pants!
-loves chocolate, just like his mama and Honey
-likes to dance when he hears music
-likes to be sung to, especially when it's Popcorn Popping or The Man in the Moon
-starting to fold his arms during prayers
-does a pretty good job and listening and obeying when I ask him not to do something
-has molars and 6-7 front teeth
-says "Love you!" (well, probably not to most people, but to us, we totally know what he's saying!)
-blows kisses ALL.THE.TIME.
-loves to show off his belly button, especially to the neighbors :)
-likes to draw on paper
-loves baths and showers still, and gets SOOO excited when he hears the water come on
-plays really well with other kids and with his toys
-LOVES the show Arthur. He starts dancing and squealing when he hears the music come on
-is a good little eater. His newest food that he likes is tuna fish sandwiches.

To say this little boy lights up our life would be a huge understatement. We are so lucky to call him ours and be his mom and dad. Most of the laughing that goes on in this house is because of Bridger. He keeps us smiling and happy, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. isn't hard to see your baby as a toddler now? I agree with you! good luck with the shoes we have the same issue with molly
