Monday, September 17, 2012

happy anniversary

today is our third anniversary.

the anniversary of the day i became a mrs
the anniversary of the day my life changed forever
the anniversary of the day my life changed for the better
the anniversary of the day i was sealed for eternity
the anniversary of the day i started my own family
the anniversary of the day i married my very best friend

i love this man of mine and am lucky to have him by my side. he is the best dad to our boy, and the best husband to me.

i love him.

we are going out on a date tonight to celebrate. and i'm going to dress up a little, because some dates call for a little dressing up, don't you think?

3 years down, lots and lots to forever.


1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary kendy! I hope you guys had a fun date! I want to know what you ended up doing. I can't wait to see you next month!!!
